Product Liability

Product Liability

Jacksonville Product Liability Lawyer

At home, at work and on the job, we rely on hundreds of products to help accomplish tasks and provide entertainment, rarely stopping to question whether those products may be unsafe, but unfortunately sometimes they are.

At Coker Law, our attorneys have extensive experience in pursuing claims on behalf of clients injured by dangerous and defective products. Our attorneys' skill, professionalism and access to scientific experts are responsible for our three decades of success for our clients. 

Defective or dangerous products can include:

The manufacturer and distributor of any type of product is responsible for any injury caused by a defect, including a design defect, manufacturing defect, marketing defect, failure to warn or failure to provide an appropriate guard. Our firm is prepared to handle claims involving a broad range of defective products, including defective clothing, flammable fabrics, firearms, recreation products, mechanical products, food, agricultural products and dangerous chemicals leading to toxic torts claims.

Coker Law attorneys have successfully handled numerous cases involving defective consumer products, household products, automotive products, medical devices and drugs, machinery and equipment and recreational products.

Defective product suits are typically complex and expensive because the manufacturer defendants are typically large corporations with enormous resources. Taking on a large manufacturer in court is no simple task and requires specialized, technical expertise. 

Our attorneys work with nationally recognized experts across a wide range of fields in order to build our clients' cases. We retain teams of experts in a variety of disciplines such as product design safety, materials and failure analysis, accident reconstruction, metallurgy, and human factors. These experts are able to locate and identify defective design features and manufacturing flaws that caused injury under conditions of foreseeable use, as well as safer alternative design and manufacturing methods. We have the experience and resources to take on these companies and manufacturers on your behalf.

Contact An Attorney
(904) 356-6071

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If you have been injured due to someone else’s negligence, let us help. Contact us by phone or online form to discuss your options or work with our team of trial attorneys. There are no fees unless we win your case.

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